Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thank Heavens

Since it's Thanksgiving, I thought I'd make a list of what I'm thankful for: Annette, Blake, Christmas, dads, Eric, freedom, gospel, home, ice cream, Jesus, knowledge, Lindsey and Laci, moms and music, nature, oxygen, parenthood, questions, running, Steven and Sadie, trees, unity, vegetables, water, x chromosomes, yogurt, and za [1]. There ya go! Feel free to respond with what you're thankful for.

[1] za (zä) n. Slang for pizza.


Leezy Lindsey said...

I'm thankful for your blog! I'm excited to read your posts Dad! More things I am thankful for are:
being a Mom to Sadie, Blake and temple marriage, growing up in a supportive and loving home, my Mom & Dad, the gospel, the atonement, running shoes, toothbrushes, flowers, cooking & baking, snow (when I don't have to drive in it), good memories, Christmas music, pecan pie, going out to eat, cameras, fireworks, good books, water, my bed, and tanning.

Leezy Lindsey said...
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Blake said...

Happy thanksgiving Rick! Welcome to the blogosphear and i look foward to reading some good posts from you.